Importer Security Filing Cost – Ezisf Usa

How to File your ISF for Japanese Car Imports to the U.S. For individuals who are importing a car from Japan under the 25 year rule into the United States. The ISF Filing must be submitted to U.S. Customs before arrival to the U.S. port. If the car is being shipped via a RORO vessel, the requirement is that the ISF must be filed no later than 24 hours before arrival to port, and for cars being shipped inside a container, the requirement is 24 hours before loading or departure overseas. In general, as soon as your seller provides you the ISF Info Sheet or Bill of Lading shipping details, get your ISF filed as soon as possible. Please note that for car imports, in most cases the seller will not be issuing the standard ISF info sheet, and may only provide a bill of lading which will be sufficient to file the ISF. Step 1: Gather your documents Have ready a copy of the bill of lading or ISF info sheet, along with a copy of the seller’s invoice. In addition two forms of ID ...